This blog is intended for users interested in updated information on Dave's recent injury.
For Informational Purposes Only
Published on August 23, 2004 By mulldr In Welcome
I don’t claim to be knowledgeable in medicine or pain indexing or any other form of analysis related to assessment of the injury which I am recovering from. However, in order to give my employer requested feedback, and to document for my own appraisal, this blog is being created to be a temporally relevant resource and a source of helpful feedback during my recovery. Please use the resource wisely, and thank you for your patronage.
Comments (Page 9)
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on Jan 12, 2005
oww ows all day long, Found myself limping around again.
on Jan 12, 2005
throbbing in the night woke me up a couple of times.
on Jan 13, 2005
ow, ache, wake fom the new slumber and dreams of mary. I slouch in the dough of humanity, with yeast attacking my gluten fiber and heat entrophing the virtue and ethic of my core. Heaven to be the mass in conscienceness and consideration of that virtue bygone with the world of alturism. Never to be at peace and ever petulent and defending as hedonist scavenge on my soul.
on Jan 13, 2005
hurts a lot this am. Its on the back outside by the bone on the outside and right on top there (I guess thats the outside edge of the acromium).
on Jan 13, 2005
Hurting worse now. Have spidering pains both behind, running down and across, and running up and over shoulder.
Up on pain scale, and have had pain spikes half a dozen times. Even driving down the road when the pain spike hit, just about made me cry.
on Jan 14, 2005
tired and sore now. Yesterday had some horrid times. pt this am was tough and I feel weaker than before e.g. more pain and less range of motion to point of pain.
on Jan 15, 2005
Took my sleeping pill last nite and slept well, slept late but woke up with no improvement in pain.
on Jan 16, 2005
slept poorly - pain id ache (sic) doen arm and into elbow, and direct over acromium about 2 CM from end and is spidering inwards about 2 "
on Jan 22, 2005
been a few day since I posted, I tried a couple of days ago but could not get thru. just keeps hurting, both shoulder and knee. My employer has little concern about my symptom relative to production. Almost No reaction to my healt concerns at my last meet; They fail on most counts to acknoledge my pain, although I was instructed to give feedback and have done so, not excessivlly in my opinion. For instance, after mounting 11 TV with the help of that coworker I relate that my arm is sore. The next day I'm moving four Tvs (twice), while a coworker appies terminations and wall plates. The next day I get some relatively easy headend work, followed by emergency service call (a quick band-aid, but meter and parts left at Wake Med by coworker the previous day and not available), then moving materials at wake med and finally requested to mount 52 pound tvs with attached trays by myself if time permits. Clearly at this point my injuries are not considered despite the weight and overhead lift. I had informed my company of the difficulty of heavy lifting would be problem in my working activities it is obvious that this could aggevate my condition.
on Jan 29, 2005
aches and pain from life. I exercise, and is tire. i mutitply my meds to get to that steady state, but I cnnont keep the pain from happening.
on Jan 30, 2005
still hurting. Did my own PT at home multiple times this week. Was too busy and distracted to make other efforts.
on Feb 04, 2005
God The pain never ends. If I take enough meds I can get some relief by being asleep and non-functional.

What a set of traps I’ve been put into. Can't take off work time for medical issue because employer won't turn it into workman’s comp., got to live so work under medications side effects and get reprimanded for not being at full capacity, can't work at full capacity and get dismissed from position. Then with resistance avail sale unit of new, more cost efficient vendor -- but get no credit or recognition for that. And, after much resistance from management, get us into a new sales program and start making sales to have management give all my leads to outside sales and then use my lack of sales against me in performance analysis. Also, to have management schedule me for extra hours (before 8am) and then admonish me for reporting these hours as overtime - and at the same time misrepresenting that this OT was completely in agreement with all parties, when that was not the case!
And we can add to this the complaints of extra time and return trip, not that my performance was any worse that the work by the owner, and given that for the most part I operated under work restriction, under medication, and without training in systems that I was hired on as a pretense.

This seems to be all about misrepresentation and failure of general duties of responsibility in an effort to make me look irresponsible.
WRT injury, I notified management that their was an issue and that the issue was serious, they did nothing. When ordered to the site afterward I asked and was told it was handled - apparently not. I was sent out to a site with a preexisting safety issue with a high degree of probability that serious incident could occur and an accident happened, and I subsequently get put upon because management failed in its duty to protect.

Yep, they are irresponsible and blame everyone else. The Owner takes three tripe to Clayton and still has to call in to me at the office for information to complete an activation. He totally ignores my report of a safety issue, and then sets up the blame game and plausible deniability. A prime example of this with respect to HR is that I was hired with no explicit knowledge of the field and was told I would be trained; This quickly became in the field training with no supervisor to train by, and then admonition for contacting superior to information in the field, and then total unavailability to contact for support in the field (while on occasion being informed that they were available, when if fact every opportunity was to demonstrate that consultation was an inconvenience to the manager trainer), and some mistakes I have made were directly the result the non availability of this resource.

Now, I'm in pain all the time. I reported a safety problem, apparently it was not considered. When I asked about it later, I was told it was handled. I Was ordered to go that same site as the problem was reported earlier, and told the issues was resolved. Then I perform work at that site and get injured again. I have serious doubts as to if any action was taken or reported from my initial report. And it gets worse; While injured and suffering, management talks about my medical condition to others and belittle the injuries that are not even properly diagnosed. The "self insured" status the company maintains is a ruse, as no proper designation is achieved and they are not competent to manage such a position.

I do know that subsequent to my injury at the site that my condition was minimized; I was refereed to incompetent medical facilities, my injury was related to other employees who took the opportunity to further my pain by assaulting me. What a great policy the company has, threats of violence are prohibited while actual violence is acceptable. How civil promoting a workplace where contractors are sneaking up behind me and assaulting me in the workplace while management sits in the room and ignores the event. That redneck who slaps me on the shoulder probable thinks he is helping the situation by toughening me up, but doesn't know about or consider the rotator cuff and labrum tear in my shoulder. And since I was denied the rights available to me by the submission of my injury to Workman’s Comp, as required by law, I didn't even get a proper diagnosis. My reputation was disparaged with clients and vendors, and management is talking about hr issues with these people and having them needle me; This is just unprofessional and mean.
And of course without the opportunity to seek appropriate medical attention and forced to continue working while injured I was an easy target for reprimands from management when mistakes were made. The exact same mistakes happen to everyone, including management, but I get grilled. Does anyone with a brain think that there is any other purpose in getting rid of me than to move my expenses from the private to the public. Maybe I need to make my private claims now.

My maltreatment would cause such a stir if it were presented to a minor. In fact the support of minors and "Family" is one of he "lack of work" economic rationales given to me at my termination of employment. Never mind that my work product and taxes have been subsidizing my most recent employers lifestyle for decades. And, while working for a military supplier, keeping them safe as well.

Run away little children and hide under the cover. Keep yourselves safe and happy by pretending ignorance. Make your petty accusations and continue you non-cogent rhetoric, because your ego is too fragile to deal with the truth and face facts. Everyone has a duty to preserve and advance the cause of righteousness. Too bad some people are too selfish and short sighted to have the capacity. There is still a general duty and limited duty responsibility for management. But of course if the culture of claiming ignorance and participation in misrepresentation is so prevalent, that position will continue.
on Mar 15, 2006
A couple of thing would need to happen for this to be more than an "idea" in passing conversation;
A proper referal would be required from a practicioner or a letter from a "benefits administrator", insurance carrier, or "self-insured" entity. In this case the letter would state in general what is requested, and give guidance to the practicioner. Any billing issues and WC reporting issues would require some communication, as well.

I'm all for anything that offers relief and recovery, and communicated that. What happened? Very little.

As many are aware, it sometimes difficult to get a WC appointment without a legally qualifying claim. I am guessing it is even more difficult for self insurers without a network in place than for conventional clients with a reputable and reliable insurance carrier. It is even harder for an individual without any health insurance or a valid WC claim and little or no means of payment.

General duty obligation aside. If a corporate entity is recognizing a workplace injury, taking the position of being the sole administrator of a WC injury, acting as the benefits administer, and taking advantage of information asymmetry with the employee (and others), then it is not unreasonable to expect that the employer will WANT to handle the therapy provided.

In the past "handling" the therapy/recovery was the shown to be the most minimalist, by the most incompetent practitioners I have ever encountered. I'm not going to be apologetic for complaining about absolute incompetence. And, it is totally unreasonable to expect me to unwillingly participate in subrefuge that has an absolute negative effect on my health, finances, reputation, and overall well-being while my employer gains all the benefits. If moral and social incentive are uneffective, then other measures are indicated to reduce the damage to my physical being and remediate the risk of unconsionable behavior to others.

Right back back at you , What are you thinking?
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