This blog is intended for users interested in updated information on Dave's recent injury.
For Informational Purposes Only
Published on August 23, 2004 By mulldr In Welcome
I don’t claim to be knowledgeable in medicine or pain indexing or any other form of analysis related to assessment of the injury which I am recovering from. However, in order to give my employer requested feedback, and to document for my own appraisal, this blog is being created to be a temporally relevant resource and a source of helpful feedback during my recovery. Please use the resource wisely, and thank you for your patronage.
Comments (Page 7)
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on Nov 09, 2004
ow, pain, helllp. 415am and spasm. Somebody please help.
on Nov 10, 2004
pm now after out of town for two job, aches a lot. shoulder has ache, but not the sharp pain of a month ago. knee is painful in back left, like a ruber band that is twisting in side. it's all worse than this morning and and in the past few weeks. down my arm and into my elbow shows the worse pain. had some things in my elbow I haven't felt in a while, it seems to connect from back of arm/shoulder to elbow and burns and sometimes spikes with specificic areas. I've got these pinted areas where it hurts most, back upper outside of elbow joint, . It's more than what it appears, perhaps I over did it in thereapy and with work the last few days:( But why is the pain and weaknes in my arm and leg pain like my my initial symptiomsof months ago?). It was suggested at last PT that I consider another cortisone shot to get some reduction in inflamation, it's the only thing that has seemed to work from my point of view. I find myself limping around ion the leg a lot lately. with all these issues and no answers, it its difficult.
on Nov 17, 2004
Today was a bruiser. Hurts much more now than last nite.
I hate it when things go downhill. It must be the heavy lifting in bad positions and such that aggravates my condition, I've gotten the same thing in PT when overdoing it. From the looks of it I won't be getting to PT anymore without additonal referals as a requirement. Checking up on my followups and such, but seems likely that I'll have to just live in pain every day
on Nov 19, 2004
woke up about 3am in pain, now abou 5 and trying to get back sleep. sharp pain in elbow is not there, but pain is running down my arm in into my wrist now. ROM not so bad, but pain persists.
on Nov 23, 2004
shoulder aches quite a bit, some pain in elbow. Dr. Hoffman suspects I have tear in my rotator cuff, he has a plan to find out and fix it. My leg around knee hurts almost all the time now, but not like the arm does.
on Nov 28, 2004
420Am roll around while in bed ow ow. I awake now.
on Dec 02, 2004
Sore today, hurts more. pain stretching in from outer part of shoulder and starting to work up and over.
on Dec 02, 2004
Hurts more in shoulder than last nite. starting to creep over the shoulder. knee is worse than the last few weeks , hurting every day and worse with use every day ; The irritation inlower left limb is almost continuous now, and I am favoring it more and more ( this is bad sign for me, because I can imagine this leading to balance problems ]physically] and even causing lower back problems). Taking full dose of meds now, and occasional over dose of Neurotin (600 to 1200 mg Neurotin). Adding ibuprofin as neccessary and apropriate, which I am tonight. 3 x 200mg so far. I DON'T LIKE LIMPING AROUND. Sceduled PT this week, per Dr, but was unable (Mon, take off early because a few day of extended hours expected, but no time to schedule; tues schedule full, but then changed - worked past five; Wed.s techical problem, worked into the evening; Thurs, same as tuesday [6 service/admin events in the field ). I'm cooking dinner and limping around now..
on Dec 02, 2004
ow ow ow, I putting ice on. need help.
on Dec 03, 2004
hurts like crazy now. hurt like was six or eight weeks ago - my condition is going backwards - I can see how my weekend is going to be.
on Dec 05, 2004
somewhat better, but worse than in the past. a little house maintenence and dishwashing is enough to cause hurt.
on Dec 05, 2004
took my nitetime meds after some more housework. average maint. day llike hell with neverending pain.
on Dec 09, 2004
didn't sleep well last nite. up about four times with pain in the shoulder.
on Dec 09, 2004
didn't sleep well last nite. up about four times with pain in the shoulder.
on Dec 09, 2004
didn't sleep well last nite. up about four times with pain in the shoulder.
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