This blog is intended for users interested in updated information on Dave's recent injury.
For Informational Purposes Only
Published on August 23, 2004 By mulldr In Welcome
I don’t claim to be knowledgeable in medicine or pain indexing or any other form of analysis related to assessment of the injury which I am recovering from. However, in order to give my employer requested feedback, and to document for my own appraisal, this blog is being created to be a temporally relevant resource and a source of helpful feedback during my recovery. Please use the resource wisely, and thank you for your patronage.
Comments (Page 5)
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on Sep 28, 2004
Didn't sleep well last nite, after waking up about 4am. stretched and such during the day, but getting tired and stiff now, a bit before 8p.
Got my first emails on the direcway account today, which BTW was the first day I could open the account because it was not set up. So in the mail is WC info, in an account I could not access for a week, but not emailed or carbon copied to an account which I check two or three times a day whenever possible. I can get snail mail from Seattle faster than that! Which is what I guess I will now request for all correspondence.
on Sep 29, 2004
9/29 Good early am. some tightness later, driving to job got to massage a bit. Only a few painful shock during day, just moving too fast or in a bad position. got progressively tired and strained though. late now and have had a bit a burning feeling in arm for a few hours. A place in my elbow that is hurting more and I'm starting to feel the creeping pain over the top of shoulder. More of a burn as opposed to the knife or needle pain, which I think is a good thing. But still crazy in that it is constant and possesses me from morning to night to some degree. No spasms today, but tight in mid arm all day. I suspect I'm building a tolerance to the some of the the pain issues, which is keeping me from recognising and massaging some of he kinks in the middle of the arm out; flip side of that is that there is still a cause for the irritation... that is not being adressed by symtomatic self treatment. going to Dr on fri. and will need to consider next program re p.t. if preefered, or my options for secondary evaluation. Terra at Hartford pretty much addmitted that they can't find anyone who specializes in electrical injuries, as is what I have found (I;ve looked). Whichis not much comfort to me. hurts even more now, so I'm out
on Sep 30, 2004
Well the day was better than most. Dull pain, a few aches. Some pain in just above and behind elbow. Tired at the end thou. was sitting down a few minutes ago got a spasm in back of my arm about three inches below my shoulder joint.
on Oct 06, 2004
last friday went to Dr and got a shot of prednisone in the shoulder. Felt great and my range of motion towards the front improved greatly without pain. Still pinched when moving up from the side. Plus the more constant ache seemed to be aleviated.
Well, it's coming back, not as bad as before at this time; But; it's the pain that that's there at rest, not stretching, not lifting, nothing. And that's what really gets me concerned - as I have been for months. So if it sticks around when/if I start PT - I'll be asking for a repeat of the short term solution.
on Oct 06, 2004
last friday went to Dr and got a shot of prednisone in the shoulder. Felt great and my range of motion towards the front improved greatly without pain. Still pinched when moving up from the side. Plus the more constant ache seemed to be aleviated.
Well, it's coming back, not as bad as before at this time; But; it's the pain that that's there at rest, not stretching, not lifting, nothing. And that's what really gets me concerned - as I have been for months. So if it sticks around when/if I start PT - I'll be asking for a repeat of the short term solution.
on Oct 07, 2004
Well, hurts first thing in am. I guess either meds are not so effective, or treatment has worn off.
on Oct 09, 2004
the pain is back. the cox2 seem to be helping. But by waking up in discomfort, working thru the day with discomfort, and going to bed in discomforrt at this time it seems that the temporary relieve of the presnisone injection was exactly that.
on Oct 09, 2004
I'''m an ache in the arm by day and by night. ROM is better in the front ( arms straight up in front of body, but still has pain moving arm up from side at about 70-75 degrees I sure liked the few day after the presnisone shot, that I had less pain. And I am going to request another. No info on PT as of yet, and think I am going to set up appointment and contact WC ombibudsman in lieu of "permissions".
on Oct 09, 2004
I'''m an ache in the arm by day and by night. ROM is better in the front ( arms straight up in front of body, but still has pain moving arm up from side at about 70-75 degrees I sure liked the few day after the presnisone shot, that I had less pain. And I am going to request another. No info on PT as of yet, and think I am going to set up appointment and contact WC ombibudsman in lieu of "permissions".
on Oct 10, 2004
the constant pain is back, and is getting worse. And it's not just the shoulder, but in my all thourgh the area, but worse in the soulder and down into my arm. Taking my Celebrex as prescribed, but it appears that my relief in the previous week is related to the iniinflamatory effect of the presnisone shot in my arm. And the pain is the burninging in my arm. this really make me think about the possibility of inflamation or polorization. Where to go from here. Irregardless of personal desires, I must continue as best as possible with the physicians recommendations and see how that goes. I've been delayed in getting my treatment, and managed care considerations seeem to be responsible Other than the help from Dr. Hoffman, I've had no reseive from the pain that hasn't had side effects. And these effect have caused undisirable demonisment from my employer . Perhaps they don't want to accept the obious and cannot appreciate my attempts for doing what I can in an bad situation.

on Oct 11, 2004
Woke up hurting. Getting some food so I can take my meds.
on Oct 11, 2004
a complaint about my CLUB deterence. Where is the parinoia and indignacy when an other employee leaves both store doors unlocked overnite. What progress has been made securing the ladders on the trucks? That's the bulk of biz: records, computers, the bulk of inventory in jeapordy. I get a "did you get what you want" comment for buying (out of pocket) steel toe safetly boot, while other employees are unloading cargo in sandals (but, with an allowance and some pretty off the shelf financing the combined tax burden and overall cost could be diminished by +7+7+21+5.5%).

I walk up to barkernet(tm) rack and it doesn't just slide open; So I rub a few brain cells together and determine the likely physical issue - no whinning, no negaitve assumption, no playing a blame game that the procedure (or task) as documented doesnt seem to work and that trying to follow the proceedure only bruises my hand, and no self inflicted tourmoil . I did not waste anybody else's time, I worked the problem- found the solution (using a tool, instead of abusing my body any more) and moved on.

The way this commentary relates to this blog is that I cannot be wasting my time on other people's frustration with minimal importance issues and especially those with obvious solutions, when I'm presented daily with the same issues in field work and sales work, but am dealing with issues that have lifelong physical and financial implications.
The advise given to me by my physical therapist was to "work smarter", and I only ask for the opportunity to do just that.

on Oct 12, 2004
discomfort today waking, worse and worse during day even though I took meds in am. a couple of sharp pains and ouches latter in the day when carrying black pc case with monitor and keyboard. Like it was pulling on the socket of my shoulder. has gotten worse in the pm and hurts way too much now 1030p. have PT appt on thurs. inquiring with Dr Hoffman asap. No work from Tara at hartford, so all goes to WC and then to ET. Hurting now, kind of pulsing and sharp, some in muscles but mostly in shoulder joint, and taking the neurotine to get some sleep.
on Oct 12, 2004
Well no reply. Is it not worth comment? BTW, As I recall it was Mr. Barrette who recommended alternate pain management therapy options - regarding the source of such thereapy (a neurologist ) I recall some comment was the that the vendor was "too expensive". Well, Mr. Barrette and Dr. Hoffman have the same ideas - but Dr Hoffman wants to approach the issue with other prudent options, alghoutgh hedging his position by stating that he is a mechanic, a "carpenter'. He obviously recognizes some relationship between inflamation and pain which is not addressed otherwise. He did provide help though, if only for 4-5 day. And that's 4-5 days without pain I haven't had for months.
on Oct 13, 2004
aching like a sum b****. It's streaming up and over the socket of my shoulder again. I've got an Ice pack on now. I say it it was just discomfort this am, but I did wake up at 430 - which is before my alarm or the sun - the ususal (healthy scheduled) events that I wake to. Unlike last week after the prednisone shot, I can't get my hand above my head with out pain, forward or sidesward. These rack door may be heavier than I'm prepared for; I can move them on an edge and rock them up on my steel toed boot tips , but thats still be more than the 4 pound weight I was conditioning with during my last PT cycle. I'm taking my pills earlier today, because I need them.
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