This blog is intended for users interested in updated information on Dave's recent injury.
For Informational Purposes Only
Published on August 23, 2004 By mulldr In Welcome
I don’t claim to be knowledgeable in medicine or pain indexing or any other form of analysis related to assessment of the injury which I am recovering from. However, in order to give my employer requested feedback, and to document for my own appraisal, this blog is being created to be a temporally relevant resource and a source of helpful feedback during my recovery. Please use the resource wisely, and thank you for your patronage.
Comments (Page 6)
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on Oct 15, 2004
worse thus pm, but went to PT and much exerciser to limits. at pt discussed inflamation, specifcally bursitus targeted problem areas, and help with explaining relation of body parts with activities and stresses. Noted for Pt'er that knee/leg is now exibiting symptom; That improvement in pain worse than last week. strategy isto keep inflamation at bay through mutliple intervening drug and physical therapy methods, to get the muscles prepared for the next phase (get past the paresthesia?) and get strength back. I think the info was 3-4 weeks to start phase I, and strengthening improvement after that.
e.g. to build the structures that will limit the physical causes of inflamation. We also discussed other possibile causes of inflamation - polerization effects and damage to the mylen, other additions to the anti-inflamatory goals such as the present drug therapy and nutrient supplement. Seems to be agreed that some possible damage would take much time to heal - specifically if mylen or vascular damage occured in conjunction with physical damage. Right now much pain (already taken my neurotin) above shoulder, and some muscle soreness which I thing pedestrian wrt PT. What worries me the most is that the knee/leg symptoms are returning - pain, limp and favoring one side.

14th pm here just past time demark
on Oct 17, 2004
Friday I was pretty worn and tired. got some good sleep and felt pretty good saturday : woke up with soreness in arm and leg, but it felt better after my meds.. Sunday was about the same except got more sore after chores and PT exercises. I guess that's to be expected. PM now and some creeping twinge over my shoulder but better than friday.
on Oct 17, 2004
Also no info on the finger warts which showed up shortly after shock.
on Oct 18, 2004
sore but more tired perhaps this am. but worse thru the day. Had one of those ouchees in shoulder socket while carrying tape case.. I can train myself to avoid many of the bad positions, but carrying deadweight sometimes unavoidable. T^his case doesn't weight that much, so the angle must be involved, obviously. The knee is feeling tired right now, but better than after the last week or the week before. All the same symptoms and location here, back right under side of joint. had a few traces pains in shoulder tonite, but not like the owwee; Still, it doesn't instill in me a lot of confidence that if I do dishes or vacume, or other stuff I should do that it won't have detrimental impact later. I'm doing my P.T. and the rest will wait.
on Oct 20, 2004
Seems more stiff and sore this am, but progressivly worse during day. pm very tired in arm getting pain which is like a major sore in addition to the pain, it is starting to creep up my shooulder and neck which seem partial muscular and partial the bursa issue which feels like a football now. .
on Oct 21, 2004
hurting and sore this AM. Iced down after exercises last nite. More like it was weeks ago.
on Oct 23, 2004
Woke up with an nasty ache. got better with time, got moving around and took my meds. now it's just a small ache.
on Oct 23, 2004
7pm now, and it feels worse. going to drudge thru my therapy and ice it.
on Oct 23, 2004
worse now, taking otc nsaid.
on Oct 26, 2004
Hurts pretty good after todays PT. They found a big knot in an unusual place. (the knot and spasms in places other than the bursa, and the pain and weakness behind my knee indicate to me that there is still something going on other than the simple mechanical issue).
on Oct 30, 2004
No entries while I was out of town. A couple of long days requiring rescheduling of my P.T.. Started to notice myself limping after a few days cabling; Pain progressively worse with each day with the physical stuff, but using the ROM achieved so far and that may be a good thing. Pain stretching up and over the middle of shoulder is less, but still get it on the back outside of shoulder and across the outside of joint. Soreness is all over joint and more muscle soreness down arm, and some in left knee as stated before, and moving down to elbow as well; Less than I feel in my arm, but I even feel that the swelling is affecting my left hand. P.T. on friday revealed lots of knots through arm and shoulder, and some other physical anomoly (a "fatty cyst" over my shoulder blade). Unsteady on some of the routines which I normally do. It was recommended that I find a "management" role that would be less physical! Today wasn't much better. Sore upon waking, a little better with med afer eating, then worse again. I've got the ache in down my arm and in my elbow and at the left front of knee.
on Nov 02, 2004
Long day; A bit sore, and perhap a bit stiff because it's hard to do my stretches and exercises in the middle of an almost 12 hour day (with no meal or down time, because there is no time)...
on Nov 04, 2004
sore in arm and down to my elbow. some in the left leg around knee.
on Nov 04, 2004
last entry was 11/3, I fell asleep and didn't hit the post button (oops).
Thurs AM is the same
on Nov 05, 2004
Iced down some more after pt last night. I've got some residual pain from the the long week, but have only had a couple of real ouches in the socket area. I have had sore muscle pain and some weakness, a couple of spasms in the arm. The pain spikes and spasms seem to be going away faster than before, still getting the sore pain which doesn't go away; Now seems like a combination of the deep and facia, but the latter may just be a result of the pt. The shoulder and upper arm is worse in combination, the deeper continuous ache is what I feel most in elbow and knee. I can deal with the step back, to achieve two steps forward; But I'm not so keen on a two steps forward, three steps back scenario - It seems like I've done that before. So, to summarize, I'm still waking and having pain throughout the day, some ups and down, but that is the situation which needs to be addressed and has correlation and causality resulting from my workplace injury.
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