This blog is intended for users interested in updated information on Dave's recent injury.
For Informational Purposes Only
Published on August 23, 2004 By mulldr In Welcome
I don’t claim to be knowledgeable in medicine or pain indexing or any other form of analysis related to assessment of the injury which I am recovering from. However, in order to give my employer requested feedback, and to document for my own appraisal, this blog is being created to be a temporally relevant resource and a source of helpful feedback during my recovery. Please use the resource wisely, and thank you for your patronage.
Comments (Page 8)
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on Dec 11, 2004
This service was down, back up now.
Had some thoughts on Wed's and Thursday which didn't get posted. About pain at nite and bad sleep.

on Dec 17, 2004
ow ow ow, just trying to get to sleep now. like aneedle in my arm. 12;30a and taking meds NOW.
on Dec 20, 2004
better with rest, ROM, directed therapy, worse with heavy lifting. Pain symptom noticably worse at on fri last week. Worse for wear, as they say.
MRI report retrieved on fri.; Not just a tear (as noticable after 7 months), but tear and possibile 2nd tear (signs of tendenitis). Other problems also indicated, but impossible to evaluate relativitly from my knowledge - "mild degenerative" and "mild impingment" would need comparative data, such as that from other arm was not surveyed or some variably relevent data.

Just wish the pain would go away. I would be nice to escape it for awhile.

on Dec 21, 2004
ow, just trying to sleep
on Dec 21, 2004
DirecWay wall mounts are a bit much without both arms working well. Torqeing (sic) the mount with the dish attached this AM hurt a bit.

on Dec 21, 2004
Ortho consult today. Here's the short version. Having examined the MRIs Doc says it could go either way wrt surgury. Definite partial tear in his opinion, and second tear/tendonitis is probably not the main source of pain (but hard to be certain because of the way the nerve run and because not possible to determine if anethetic reached second injured area without additional workup - I guess he's talking about mri with dyes). He wants to go 2-3 months with more PT with the hope it improves; But if not major improvement (he defines as 80% pain free time in normal daily activities) or if re-injury occurs it's off to the O.R. I go. If that happen, it's done/unusable for 3-4 months and PT after that. Physical Therapist said post op PT up to one year. So I'm hoping I won't require surgury.

on Dec 29, 2004
hurting last night and this morning even more than usual. Maybe the cold weather is affing it.
on Jan 01, 2005
Don't you love the appeal of the commercial "you deserve a good nite's sleep". Well I can't get one, I alway wake up in pain.
on Jan 06, 2005
been some hurt on the old shoulder the last few day. Felt pretty good during vacation. My buddies in Va have a home gym setup, so I got my exercises in with good form. A little strain from moving a few things, but not bad. Had PT on Wed.s afternoon and I was hurting. Therapist noting knots (lots) both fore and aft. Strength training was more painful than a few weeks ago, but doable. Had some spasms last night and today woke up with a bit of a thob. had three times today where the pain was back to creeping over the shoulder - These are sharper and they seem to be followed with more ache and even more soreness at the upper ROM. PM now and smarts pretty good on back side, and there is kind of a down my arm.
on Jan 06, 2005
Found this website the other day - thought it might be helpful to mention it.

on Jan 08, 2005
A little perspective for myself. Just holding my fork to cut my little flank causes pain right now.
on Jan 09, 2005
ache all down my arm this am, ache in elbow and even down into forearm. type w one hand now, as i have massager on arm.
on Jan 10, 2005
Hurt pretty good now Too much overhead work and no way to practice good form.
Also for immediate post on the schedule; PT appts 8AM Weds 1/12 and 8am Fri 1/14.
on Jan 10, 2005
And I'm tired. ch
on Jan 12, 2005
oww ows all day long, Found myself limping around again.
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