This blog is intended for users interested in updated information on Dave's recent injury.
For Informational Purposes Only
Published on August 23, 2004 By mulldr In Welcome
I don’t claim to be knowledgeable in medicine or pain indexing or any other form of analysis related to assessment of the injury which I am recovering from. However, in order to give my employer requested feedback, and to document for my own appraisal, this blog is being created to be a temporally relevant resource and a source of helpful feedback during my recovery. Please use the resource wisely, and thank you for your patronage.
Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 23, 2004
8/23 - woke up in middle of night and took meds to get back to sleep,
woke up in AM, after oversleeping, with tightness in arm and no time to work it out as I was late for work.
Never really got the morning tightness out; experienced a number painful eposodes during the day in addition to the ache from first waking.
720PM and the ache is there and will most likely not subside until I take my meds this PM.
on Aug 23, 2004
Entry to see how comments are presented; a must to inform my people.
on Aug 23, 2004
did some personal hygine and tried to sleep; took another dose of meds to make that happen.
on Aug 24, 2004
couldn't afford that!. fourtunate enough to have a 15.15 (prime plus) but not fourtunate enough to work out my anticipated payoff plan. recession suks and i fear stagflation. The fed has been pretty wary of this scenario as well, it would seem. da oil as as tax senario must be quite a shock to some; lambs to the slaughter for the naives of monetary policy and ricardian economics. not that long since my last post-nothing postive to report
on Aug 24, 2004
first pain this am, reaching for the alarm clock. more as I brush my hair and reaching for the TP. too much info, i think.
on Aug 24, 2004
discomfort during am, seems that elbow hurt more first thing in morning- now it seem the back of shoulder and arm muscle hurt more.
on Aug 24, 2004
Back home now, mostly just dull ache for the afternoon. Did nothing physical today, and I think that recovery time was good. certainly was better than my weekend, which had lots of moments. Mental exercises tonite, these are somewhat useful. BTW They come from a reputable source, a true professional and expert in the field - a theorist, practicioner, and published researcher; And an esteemed former colleage of mine. Thanks -snip-; I can honestly say your help is as good or better than any paid professional I've dealt with in the last few years. Shoulder pain persists, right in the joint, and I found myself trying to loosen up my knee joint a little earlier.
on Aug 24, 2004


A slew of other links to post, but I will be wanting to put them in some order first.,1,6555593.story
on Aug 24, 2004
on Aug 25, 2004
Woke up about an hour ago 230A. shoulder like a hot coal inside. trying to get back to sleep without extra meds.
on Aug 25, 2004
Pain upon waking and it is constant. still in shoulder, deep in joint. worse than monday.
on Aug 25, 2004
lower arm was bit better during the middle of the day, but shoulder socket still has that nasty sting down deep.
The facia muscles seem to be the looser, what bothers me is that there are some deep knotty things between my shoulder and elbow that I can't get to. Sure wish Laura was her to work on me. Come to think of it, she owes me a massage. Speaking of L.O. and her employer Dr. Massey - I've about had it people disparaging the chiropractic profession. Suzanna spent just as much time in Med school as any other Dr. Pass not one but two state licensing boards, and knows a lot more than about her specialty than most GPs could possibly handle. And talk about facilities, She's got ultrasound, xray, and other equipment that the yokels around here don't have in their office. Link

on Aug 26, 2004
woke up early, and just rested for awhile. shoulder same as yesterday. I tried to get some trigger points last nite, but stil some big knotty stuff in my arm.
on Aug 26, 2004
back home. the arm loosened up a bit during the day. got to hit some pressure point and work on it while I was driving to chapel hill. still big lump that ain't there on my other side. Can't shake that shoulder pain, though.
on Aug 26, 2004
ow ow ow
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