This blog is intended for users interested in updated information on Dave's recent injury.
For Informational Purposes Only
Published on August 23, 2004 By mulldr In Welcome
I don’t claim to be knowledgeable in medicine or pain indexing or any other form of analysis related to assessment of the injury which I am recovering from. However, in order to give my employer requested feedback, and to document for my own appraisal, this blog is being created to be a temporally relevant resource and a source of helpful feedback during my recovery. Please use the resource wisely, and thank you for your patronage.
Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 27, 2004
morning started out ok, just achy. Then when I was getting into my car I had this sharp pain in my shoulder socket like weeks before (the needle in the socket pain). I hurt for about twenty minutes like this, then settled down a bit. Just a bad start to the day. I shied away from much physical today and only had a 5 or 6 time when there was more than the ache. Tried to get some tension out of the those knots in arm and that makes if feel sore, but seems pretty neccessary as big as a couple of those knot seem to be. Just about out of meds too, better plan on calling in the rx; better do this and plan on a double dose on Monday. reminder to self, make that call monday am.
on Aug 28, 2004
just sore this am, then started to do some work around the house. took meds, which I try to avoid during the day. went to the store and got some bad position getting my stuff inside. had three sharpi sharp pains just getting my gear in the house. One of my buds stopped over, I took another med.
after effects from the bad moving expierence, doing some cleaning; Arm muscles are sore but seem about average - the shoulder socket is, like, a needle wiggling aroung inside.
on Aug 29, 2004
guess I fell asleep last nite before my entry. Not much new, still hurt all nite long.
Am was even worse- muscle do get tighter while asleep. Had a morning yawn, which put the arm in a most painful position. Took meds at 1030, hope they work.
on Aug 30, 2004
Typical ache in am, Moving stuff in storage, 4 owees in shoulder, and more sore after than in am. actually sore and pain in socket.
on Aug 30, 2004
After the morning workout, and the episodes of joint pain it caused, I was in about 3 times more pain than upon waking. what's worse is that it just expanded, from the shoulder that was hurting in the early morning, to the elbow, arm muscles, and my knee joint.
To top it off, the cart which is supposed to be in the van (BTW that's a confirmed documented item on the van inventory) wasn't, which meant less mechanical advantage, more physical work on my injured body, and more time. { on a POM side bar LinkLink; That means the person who was taking the tools out of the van when I was in FS and never returned them to the proper place, the one who shows up for installs without fittings of all things, the one who wont be bothered to pay attention to the technical reference on xroom wiring, has again hindered the production process - this time as before, to my detriment. }.

on Aug 30, 2004

Linkthe burning man project
on Aug 30, 2004
The pain just sucks: I should be sleep 1/2 hour ago but my shoulder is like a fire pit. took my meds. not adequate for this.
on Aug 31, 2004
AM, Ouch. someone please pull that needle out of my shoulder. more burn feeling behind my knee and in my arm. elbow has this tennis elbow feeling.
on Aug 31, 2004
Long day, took meds in am about 11 and at about 640p, and planned at bedtime. talked to DR office agan today-advised of and consulted on dosage and inquired as to to change of med or addition of co-agents to increase efficacy, per request of managers. advised of vigor requred in last few days of duty and neccesity to use meds during day at dosage of 600-900 mg, that third dose is just to get thourgh the daylight. Hope the physical activitiy is helping but prefer not to mask the pain for fear that damage is being done- plus, I don't like to be on pills as a matter of course (vitamins, minerals, and natural supplements excluded). I think I'm making too many typos/corrections, so please excuse. day started with the same old tightness and general pain, but particular pain in my shoulder and behind my left knee, whatever munisci goes behind on the lower left. number ot owweees today- started with door catching, one odd movement which I can't recall now I can definetl feel an angle and elevation element of movement in my arm which produces more pain), I mooved some leveling mix ok, but that started to hurt (mix on gound, twist bag to dispense), At one point i was shouldered against a rolling vacume scraping with mu right arm and just jogging my self along to aleave the the strain. I definitl avoided ladder work, and will continue as needed wrt overhead movement and med side effects. did my best on floor level! worse now that I've settled, just a constant pain in should3er like needle in joint. Took meds hours ago, seems to help muscles and elbow, but shoulder is still in pain. will see what am brings.

on Aug 31, 2004
Just lovely, pulling the frying pan from the stove causes shooting pain and aching pain in arm. I doubt it is the force involved, but the angle.
Simple act of cooking a meal is painful.
on Sep 01, 2004
took extra meds today; sharp pain started in shower this morning and the whole stiff and painfull thing seemed to get worse. So, I took 300 mg in mid morning. It took awhile, had lots of discomfort getting up and down on the floor. seemed to get a bit better but then had a couple of spasms in shoulder, that's owee 2&3. 12 hour intervals don't work, I'm going on a 3x8 but this is all still just taking the edge of the pain, it just never ends. started aching again about 430, so I dosed shortly after and then again shortly after 10Pp (I'd usually do the pm dose later, but the needling pain was coming back and seemed to be spreadin over the top of the joint.) Unfourtunatly, except for a mild strech, I can't do much about it.
on Sep 02, 2004
hurts worse this am. I not planning on doing much with it today.
on Sep 02, 2004
Tried to do a little less today, to take a break. took med in am, Woke up with a yawn and put shoulder in some bad position. Every thing in arm and shoulder sore, and starting to tense at that time in addition to the pain that never really goes away. but calmed down. Some strain pain loading stuff. started getting sore from elbow up around four, so I took meds around 4:45. Hurts a fair amt. now 930P, so It wont be long for my evening dose.
on Sep 03, 2004
Meds definitly wore off during the night. Caught myself before yawning. not as big of a needle feeling in the joint as a couple of days ago. And less "over the top" of the shoulder socket, but still feel in the back of my knee and half way down my lower leg. The leg thing has cause some favoritism I noticed, and slight limping yesterday. gotta go
on Sep 04, 2004
This should have been last nights entry for friday day, but too tired. arm still hurts, no big surprise. just a couple of owees, moving things around. took meds in am, and was getting pains in shoulder in afternoon. took evening meds early to fight it off.
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