This blog is intended for users interested in updated information on Dave's recent injury.
For Informational Purposes Only
Published on August 23, 2004 By mulldr In Welcome
I don’t claim to be knowledgeable in medicine or pain indexing or any other form of analysis related to assessment of the injury which I am recovering from. However, in order to give my employer requested feedback, and to document for my own appraisal, this blog is being created to be a temporally relevant resource and a source of helpful feedback during my recovery. Please use the resource wisely, and thank you for your patronage.
Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 04, 2004
The pain just won't go away. Would you like an invitation to my pain, I don't think so.
on Sep 04, 2004
all pain, sll day. mostly doing some house maint. and catching up on contacts. Didn't even take the trash out or do dishes, which need done. did midday meds to try and keep going, but sent me to midday nap. woke up, with an "uninvited guest" social invitation in so much discomfort and so far behind in my other objectives that I had to decline. I'm sure this may seem to some as obtuse to some, but no invite means no RSvP required. still hurts after pm meds.
on Sep 05, 2004
am, woke up with pain in shoulder and behind knee. most exertertion of late was takng my trash out the door. made a move while cooking earlier and that a owee pain. meds do take the edge off, with maintenence, be seem to be less effective than desired. repr\eating note; employer requests consideration of x-rays or other diagnostic tools to resolve diagnosis, per conversation with HR/mgt.; some point of determination desired by all parties in order to move forward (from my prespective). Personally not suprised that a recovery involving connecting tissue would take a long time, but given that the current treatment and remediation has yielded unsatisfactory results and performance detriments wrt enployer expectations - this detriment needs to be addressed. Also, this pain feels different than other minor muscular/skeltal injuries i have had in past, the burning and needleing pain are much more pervasive in the area and are obviously mor pervasive
Mabye different meds (pain management suggested by manager), or PT approach. (note: HR strongly resistant to alternative therapy such as chiropractic. I personally see no meriit in this position when applicable to needs).
Request to HR that whatever tests, proceedures, etc. are desired on next medical visit, be forwarded to both the physicans office and myself poste haste.
on Sep 06, 2004
pain waking up in the am. Back to my prescribed routine, did not take meds during day yesterday, had pain all day as has have all day today. noon now, and have those needles in the back of my shoulder, and have had pain in back left of knee in leg.
on Sep 06, 2004
David, You know very well that it was my and Tom's idea to explore alternative therapies and I don't appreciate you "documenting" otherwise. What are you thinking?
on Sep 07, 2004
started off in the am with tightness and some of the obnoxious joint pain. evened out though. Mostly some muscle ache and the tightness seeming to spread to my neck. towards evening, the muscles got tight again, but could be worse. think the hardcore pain from moving heavy things may be waning, but careful to favor my right to keep it from getting so bad again. It a catch22 to take med to do work to hurt more to be in worse shape and to possible extend recovery time. need to do things with good balanced form, which is almost impossible. late pm now and not too bad but still never ending discomfort.
on Sep 08, 2004
Waking up yawns, that hurt. most of day not too bad, just the same old dull ache. seems like the over arching tightness subsided some and felt more in specific muscle groups. later in day got tighter and more sore. got a sharp pain in shoulder trying to move some stock at the end of the day, which was about as good a timing that could be. Took a nap later, that helped a bit; Been sleeping with my hand in my waistband which keeps me from putting arm up in bad position. kinda sore now, with a bit of something in my shoulder socket.
on Sep 09, 2004
About the same today, arm got tired and sorer later in day. Had a few sharp pains, just putting it in a bad position, and putting air in my car tires. A little worse as evening wears on. Next post the questions and talking points brought up by HR, etc.
on Sep 11, 2004
mm, No additions. sumarizing previous discussions; Consider orthopedic diagnosis, xrays, additional pain management as suggested by management.
Friday's notes; not too bad with meds. did some massage while driving.
Notes from 9-10 doctors visit. Dr Carnes acknoleges that healing is slow wrt epectations, and refered me to an orthopedic doctor who he recommends for shoulder and other joint injuries. Appointment is set for monday, and xray are indicated. Dr. Carnes increased my medication dosage. I noted to Dr. Carnes that the nightime meds give me a sluggish effect upon waking, which he said ususally subsides with time. He did not seem to think a stronger medication was called for. As stated before, I prefer less. Woke up this morning with pain, and suspect I put the arm in a bad position during sleep. Got a real nasty shoulder socket pain while trying to strech - I don't even think it was that bad a month ago during physical therapy-which makes me think I may have reinjured the connecting tissue with heavy lifting at work, or at least kept it from healing swiftly.

on Sep 12, 2004
yesterday, shopping, some discomfort with bag. multiple trip to keep the load light. still dull pain throughout, but only one one stinging pain in shoulder. More housework, fatigue, pacing myself so not too bad.
on Sep 12, 2004
Sunday, am-more sluggishness from meds. more housework (way behind, not up to it after work) cramped out in mid afternoon and massaged some and took a nap. woke up and stretched some untill pain. it when down some- dishes and started to hurt again. more later.
on Sep 13, 2004
9/12pm Just tired and sore, had a pain in shoulder joint driving. took my med and went to sleep.
on Sep 13, 2004
sunday fu, more housework - stress and fatigue, but no real shooting pains.
Mon. woke up with tighness which was aching in am; loosened up with manipulation on ride to orthopedist. more on that in next entry.
on Sep 14, 2004
9\13 the dr visit ok, no noteable 'dislocacion' or observation in xray of damage, pain noted and to be evaluated. doctors office advise to keep in range of motion, go back to pt, ice down after physical effort, stretch and manipulate with some pain, don't work with pain -'just say no'. recommends pool/aquatic exercise - not available at HOPT, so considering visits to REX, discussed different range of motion techniques - similar but differs from what pt had earlier advised, have follow up in six weeks.

9/13pm notes; sore from stretching and driving, but better than two weeks ago. I notice the stretching soreness is less than that of phyisical, mass moving, labour. It doesn't feel like my arm being pulled out of the shoulder socket, and while there are occasional sharp pains depending on the position- they are less intense.
on Sep 15, 2004
Entry for yesterday, 9/15/04 : started off pretty well, got worse during the day. Felt like too much pain to move some heavy boxes, so I didn't - like the nurse at Dr. Espisito's office and Nancy Reagan said. No phones at the store, so I'm behind making appointment for pt. need to do that tommorrow.
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