This blog is intended for users interested in updated information on Dave's recent injury.
For Informational Purposes Only
Published on August 23, 2004 By mulldr In Welcome
I don’t claim to be knowledgeable in medicine or pain indexing or any other form of analysis related to assessment of the injury which I am recovering from. However, in order to give my employer requested feedback, and to document for my own appraisal, this blog is being created to be a temporally relevant resource and a source of helpful feedback during my recovery. Please use the resource wisely, and thank you for your patronage.
Comments (Page 4)
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on Sep 15, 2004
Woke up pretty tight, and I stretched. I want to thank RF for the conversation and chat message. ore for 9\15 in pm
on Sep 18, 2004
These entries are combined as I was out of town on work, and internet access was not available

9/15 -easy day, mostly driving to worksite (lots of rain). A little bit of pain loading.
I stopped to get some personal care items on the way, and picked up a small set of wheels to make the job and unloading easier - also figure I would want a set for shopping at the bulk food store. Before leaving I tried to get some numbers and make a pt appt, There was no Raleigh phone book at the store:( - I get to the motel, and I can't make an 866 call from the room (it's a new phone sytem, so even after asking for the phone to be turned on, it didn't work.) I stretched when I could while driving, and at breaks.

9/16 - worked a long day. the luggage cart was very helpful. Some strain, but avoided heavy lifting. Had to do some overhead work, but no real weight involved, got a few pains during the process though. waited for meds to wear off befor any ladder work. Started to get overly sore in afternoon; But, I started early, and skipped lunch, so I bagged the actuall work at 530, did some paperwork and prep for friday. Took a nap and went to dinner.

9/17 - woke up and finnished site work early 7-8, a bit sore from yesterday. Had a quick meet with Dorin - and with sandra and her maintenence man.
took a med in mid morning to keep the everything in check. Rest of drive uneventful; Some decent weather, some bad, and some stretching.

9/18 - woke up with soreness, a little worse than earlier in week. Has some spasms in the back left. I should get that anatomy book Dr Adams gifted and get the proper reference.
on Sep 20, 2004
Woke up this morning with issues, I think I might have been in a bad position, but at least it wasn't a sharp stinging pain.
most of day just a dullish pain, except for stretching. Got some fatige reaching around some equipment to hook up coax connectors. a bit sore now 930p - worse in the shoulder socket than earlier. tension spread to neck, but noticed this tightness earlier in day. Earlier seemed more concentrated in muscles, now seems to be both. Took 600mg of med.s about an hour ago, and will probably take more later.
on Sep 20, 2004
What are you thinking?

Specifically, some comments made to me regarding chiropractic treatment and practicioners - as referenced specifically in a previous post. You can note the singular and specific reference. Perhaps I misunderstood. Please clarify.
It has been suggested by an associate that chiropractic might be helpful. As learned conversationally, It would appear that the majority of associates have had benefitial results from chiropractic treatments. I appreciate the meaningful addition of complementary treatments and therapies (immune booster, vitamins and other precursures) and IMHO it is not wise to discount mechanics and the relationship and interrelationship with other functions to promote healing. There are multiple references to helpful alternative actions by the actors noted, and thus it is not useful to either defend against or promote the position of an ad hominem or provicial argument.

on Sep 20, 2004
Notes from conversation with Vicky H. at Hands On Physical Therapy - Building new facility in cary with pool, but not in services now. Determined that Rex is an option, and that Dunn/Erwin hospital has revamped PT and may have facilities. Other option in N. Raleigh noted. Vicky said she would consult with practicioners for other options and get back to me if anything helpful. Regret canceling appt. at Rex - shouldn't be an issue, and indications by HR that facility might be deemed inappropriate now seem unfounded.
on Sep 22, 2004
No entry yesterday, I had some stomach/gi distress and took the day off (unrelated pedestrian symptom, I'm sure). Still the soreness- it never seems to go away, worse in am with tightness after sleep; And in evening, with tiredness. more research offered by agents -

Wed.s entry: a bit better am symptioms, progressively worse thru day - but no real owees, more the ache which goes from shoulder to elbow and thru the muscles. I simply can't massage deep enough to get rid of the muscle tightness in the back of my left arm - I don't have enough leverage; And I surely can't get to the back side of my shoulder to release the knots and improve circulation. Whatever comment or criticisms which might be presented to me at this time would neccessarily envoke a response for physical healing intervention. It is of great appreciation that I have not been diagnosed with nerve damage, but of little consolation at time given the ongoing difficulties in recovering to my previous state. I am gaining weight, tiring to the detriment of my former activities (including recreation, social interaction, sexual fulfillment, household and other personal maintenence), and having difficulty getting therapy with the protocol in effect. There is also the issue of side effects of prescribed medicines and theraputic orders which may be diminishing my contribution (especially those lethargic mornings, when I hit the snooze button two or three times despite the discomfort in doing so), but not my will.
“When anyone assents to what is false, be assured that he does not willfully assent to it as false--for, as Plato
affirms, the soul is unwillingly deprived of truth--but what is false appears to him to be true.”
Epictetus, Discourses 1.28.4,5 [Higginson Trans.] (David's reminder - you cannot prove that something does not exist, with out proving that every other possible case within a closed set.)
on Sep 22, 2004
Praises for my consultant, Dr. Wells []
"Thanks again for the J.H. reference. Much to be gained from it.

I'm feeling much better, but still have physical pains. Paresthesias, and symptomatic pain in my shoulder, arm, and leg. Main advancements are that there is no neurological damage:) In this "wacky world", as Dr. Adams once said to me, that's a really good sign.
The context has changed, the game remains the same - where do you sit on the margin of humaninty and in benefit to the social welfare fuction in society. Perhaps I'm not in such a position to promote to emergent properties of those who might keep these ideals in action as I once was; But perhaps that is not so, and that my subtle influence and values are cause enough in the advancement of my peers."

more later.

David Mull"
on Sep 23, 2004
430am woke up, tighter and getting a sharp pain in back of shoulder. could be effect of stretching before bedtime?
on Sep 24, 2004
muscle cramp during day, worse in afternoon. seems like getting tired of repetive motions-affecting shoulder and arm muscles. a few ouches today from twisting motions, and just being tired. Got a call from Brenda today, said she would call back but didn't so I suspect she had a cxl she could fit me into. Still waiting, haven't gotten info requested on monday which has been requested to make that appointment. gotta go have a call.

on Sep 25, 2004
Tighter this am, more pain creeping around shoulder socked and less in the arm muscles - elbow has more ache, and knee slight ache, Now I want to move forward with my treatment, but what am I to do? To continue from last entry. Protocol, paperwork, information - that's what I asked for earlier, that's what I asked for monday when I was told this would go to the insurance, that is what I need to get to provider to make it better. And BTW, why is it when I get a message/call back number for other people from their health care providers I write it down, but I don't get that in return?
on Sep 25, 2004
Update re 09/24 entry; It's Becky at RWC, not brenda; Well, now I'm not sure about that. Becky was my initial contact, perhaps it was Brenda who called on friday.
on Sep 25, 2004
9/25 I wasn't a bad day, as day of past have been. But, it wasn't a painless day either
on Sep 26, 2004
"Although burns from low-voltage sources are usually less severe than those from high-voltage sources, patients may still complain of paresthesias for an extended period, experience cardiac dysrhythmias, or have cataracts develop if the shock occurs close to the face or head.4"

on Sep 27, 2004
It has been a full week since I ask for a process, paperwork, and basic infrormation in which to pursue my prescribed treatment with no response.
Still having physical symptoms, and little action other than my own which would appear to put prescribed therapies on course. This is disturbing. Had a number of times during day I needed to stretch and massage. End of work day was aching and by time I finished my laundry, I was ready for the meds. About to go to sleep now and there is some burning and aches in shoulder arm and elbow.
on Sep 28, 2004
Pain in the middle of the night sucks. Not good sleep last nite.
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